the eighteenth century a new
approach to the treatment
and care of the mentally ill
was starting to surface, it
would come to be known as
moral treatment. Prior to this
movement most people believed that
insanity was the result of spiritual
forces, or the "wrath of god".
One of the key moral treatment
figures in the United States was
Benjamin Rush. He published the
first textbook on the subject of
mental illness in the United States;
Medical Inquiries and
Observations upon the Diseases of
the Mind in 1812. As an eminent
Physician at the Pennsylvania
Hospital in Philadelphia, he limited
his practice to mental illness and
developed innovative, humane
approaches to treatment. The
Pennsylvania Hospital, which was
established in 1751, didn't have
proper facilities to care for
patients with mental illnesses and
most were kept in rooms in the
basement of the hospital. Care for
the insane in rural communities
amounted to a few poor houses, but
most lived in homes with family
members. If the family was unable to
provide care or pay
for a private hospital, like the
Pennsylvania Hospital, then that
member of the family was often left
on their own to wander the streets, in some cases
they were even locked in a room or
the basement.

Rooms in the basement of the
Pennsylvania Hospital used
for patients with mental
illnesses |
By 1832
the Board of Managers of the
Pennsylvania Hospital recognized the
necessity of opening a separate
asylum with the sole purpose of
caring for patients with mental
illnesses. The Pennsylvania Hospital
purchased a 101 acre farm in West
Philadelphia in 1835 on which the
cornerstone for a new facility was
laid on July 26, 1836. The new
hospital would be known as The
Hospital for the Insane. The new hospital opened in
1841 and would eventually be run by
Dr. Thomas Kirkbride. Dr. Kirkbride
would also have an important
role in early treatment and care
of those with
mental illnesses. Several other
private hospitals had also opened in
the United States in the early
nineteenth century with the sole
purpose of caring for those with
mental illnesses. In 1817 the
Friends Asylum at Frankford opened,
though it was exclusive to Quakers
until 1834. A hospital also opened
in Bloomingdale, New York in 1821.
All of these hospitals however were
private hospitals and did not admit
patients that could not pay for
industrial revolution during the mid
nineteenth century brought many
people from rural communities into
larger cities. With the expansion of
the city populations also came an
expansion of people with mental
illnesses. During this
time there was a
movement for
government control over
many services that were
previously privately
controlled. Services
such as banks, canals,
railroads, hospitals,
poorhouses, and prisons.
Along with this movement
came the idea that care
for those with mental
illnesses should be
handled by state
governments. In
conjunction with
successful lobbying efforts of
nineteenth century social reformer
Dorothea Dix, the Harrisburg State
Hospital was created as the
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital
and Union Asylum for the Insane in
1845 to provide care for mentally
ill persons throughout the
Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. A nine member board of trustees
was empowered to appoint a
superintendent, purchase land, and
construct facilities near
Harrisburg. This board of trustees
received no compensation for their
work. In 1848, the name of the
hospital was changed to the
Pennsylvania State Lunatic Hospital
when $50,000 was appropriated to
begin construction. Patients from
all parts of the state would be
accepted at the hospital, at the
expense of the counties that they
belonged; or, if able they would pay
for themselves at a cost of $2.50
per week. This cost included board
and medical attention.

A lithograph image of the
Friends Asylum, a private
hospital located outside
Philadelphia |