Sun Parlor

Architect: John Dempwolf
Appropriation Year: 1910
Construction Started: 1910
Construction Finished: 1914 or 1915
Building Opened: 1914 or 1915
Demolished: No
Current Building Number: 12
Building Type: Patient Treatment
Alternate Names:
 -Medical Building
 -Logan Building
 -Vista Dome
SEE IT ON A MAP: Map 1 (Building is highlighted in yellow)

The Sun Parlor featured a very unique copper and glass dome, topped off with a copper belvedere. The first floor of the building consisted of a large round open area. Looking up at the axis of the dome at night you would see a cluster of ten lights, while forty more lights ringed the outer edge of the dome. The large room was used for the annual "Masked Ball" as well as dance classes and calisthenics in the winter months. Also inside the building were drug rooms on both the first floor and in the basement. The presence of the drug rooms could suggest that the building was used for mass inoculations,  or it may have simply been a central and secure location for storing the medicines. In the basement was an open sixty foot semi circle divided into pie sliced shaped sections, these sections were used as work areas. The Sun Parlor was one of the few building at the hospital that men and women were allowed of congregate together, it was also one of the few that had men and women's toilets. The building was significantly remodeled in the 1930s. The copper and glass dome was replaced  and the main floor was divided up into three floors for use as administrative office space and living quarters. In 1951 a new Admissions Building was built directly in front of the Sun Parlor. The main entrance was removed and replace with a hallway that connected to the rear of the new Admissions Building. 



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